Monday, December 21, 2009

Wonderful weekend

We went to Little Rock to have an early Christmas with Sonny Bono and Mrs. Sonny Bono. Mrs. Sonny Bono could in all probability have Chloe Ann any day now so they won't be traveling up to see us for Christmas. We exchanged our gifts with them and my brother and sister-in-love met us at Sonny's house. I haven't seen my brother in probably 2 years or maybe more. We had the best visit with them. Mrs. Sonny's dad and step-mom came up from Texarkana and we all went to US Pizza for lunch. It was very good and we enjoyed visiting with everyone. Mrs. Sonny and her parents spent the rest of the day shopping and we just hung out at the house and visited with Sonny and my brother and sister-in-love. We went to Cheer's for dinner and had a really good yummy. We were all pretty tired so my parents, Bud and I headed back to our hotel probably about 7 or so. We had a glass of wine and then went to sleep. Sonny and Mrs. Sonny gave Bud and I each the cutest frames for grandma and grandpa.....cannot wait to have our pictures taken with Chloe and put them in our new frames! Got up kinda early and Sonny joined us at Waffle House for breakfast. Then we headed home....had a lot to do when I got home. Bud's Christmas party was today so had to finish the party trays. I had chocolate chip cookies, these craisin/almond bark candies, chocolate covered peanuts and fixed cake balls and brownies when we got back into town. We also had 35 bottles of champagne to wrap and tie ribbons on gifts for Bud to take to work. AND we had a neighborhood Christmas party across the street at 4 p.m.!!!!! We met a couple of neighbors that I have only waved to so it was good to actually meet them. Have spent today catching up on cleaning! My house looks like a hurricane blew through since yesterday was so busy and I was just dropping things here and there!!!! I feel like I am back in control somewhat!!!! Walked at the Mall this morning with Mom and Dad and then Dad treated us to McDonald's. From there I ran to BedBath&Beyond for a gift and Walmart for groceries and another gift. Got home and dragged some plants out of the garage so that they could enjoy some of this warm sunshine that we were blessed with today! They were smiling for sure! Bud is picking me up in a minute and we are going out with a couple of guys that he works with. The one is in town so Bud thought it would be nice to take him out to dinner since he is away from his family tonight.

Here is a picture of my party trays that I sent with Bud this morning. I felt sorry for Bud because he had 3 cases of champagne and 1 huge box with the party trays to carry to his SUV this morning and then had to haul everything into the office.

I'm glad that is done now and I can focus on getting my house clean, laundry done, menus planned and groceries wrapped and all of the hustle and bustle of getting ready for the holidays. I'm loving it though!!!!!

Merry Christmas!

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