Missing this little angel! This picture was taken on Craig's sailboat and Chloe was Captain Hook! She loved playing on the boat and I am looking forward to when she is older and we can take her out sailing for real!!!! I think she is really into pirates right now. BJ took her shopping yesterday and she bought a Jack pirate play set....it had a sword, bandanna, a pouch of gold coins, and hand held telescope. She and BJ were supposed to go to a company outing and go swimming but BJ's truck started acting up (this after it had just been in the shop) so he was afraid to travel very far with it especially with Chloe so he had one disappointed little girl on his hands. She was looking forward to swimming! He took her to get some ice cream and then they made a trip to Toys R Us so it was all good! He is such a good daddy! I am so proud of him. I skyped with her last night and she was showing me her new toy and wanted me to come over to her house and play with her. I wish I could have! She hasn't really figured out yet that I live 2 1/2 hours to 3 hours away depending upon traffic. She kept telling me to hurry, hurry, hurry! She kept saying that I could bring Pop-Pop, Olive and Allie but Olive and Allie couldn't eat any of her candy! I guess she thought if I could bring those three, I could come to her house!
We have a lot going on for the next several weeks. Kids are packing and getting ready for their move to Kansas City probably in a couple of weeks. We have a beach vacation planned and also taking Chloe and BJ to Kansas City for a little mini vacation. Apparently KC has an awesome aquarium, zoo and huge, huge shopping center! Am excited to explore KC with Chloe! The kids will be moved up there so we will get to explore the city with them as well. And you can't have vacation without lots of preparation and work! Have cleaning, laundry, yard work to do.....want to prepare some snacks for the road trips, make sure house sitter/dog sitter has food to eat, HAVE to get that hair appointment in.....can't be seen on the beach with roots screaming for attention! I mean, really, you have to have good hair on the beach! Sand and surf and wind are enough of a challenge to looking good so need to do all we can pre-trip!!!! And lists! Got to make those lists!!!! Lots and lots of lists! Packing list, shopping list, to do list, list for house/dog sitter, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah!
So I suppose that I should get busy, huh? I have some Kohl's cash that I need to spend today so think I will get on that right away!
Not sure when I will be able to post again!