Friday, June 28, 2013

What's up doc?!  It has been a long time since I've posted on my blog!  I really need to keep updated on here so that I can remember all of the fun that I've been having.  Like.....Austin moving back home and renting a UHaul trailer and moving him in the rain!  Or...Ryan and Melissa moving back home and receiving 6 boxes via FedEx and trying to figure out how to make their bedroom accommodate all of their stuff!  Didn't do too well on that one.....still a work in progress!  But all in all.....I have loved having them back home and am treasuring every single day because I know that this is just a 'stopping off' place for 6 weeks and when August 1st is here....we will be loading up all of those boxes, etc. into UHaul trailers and moving them to Kansas City.  I'm not sure how I will deal with them all leaving at once.  On one hand, Ryan and Melissa will be closer this time....instead of Portland, Oregon....Kansas City but Austin will be farther away....instead of Rogers.....Kansas City.  I'm excited for them.  I think Kansas City will be a really fun city for them to live and experience all that Kansas City has to offer!  BUT.....they have to promise to NEVER abandon their Cardinal loyalty and become Royal fans!  Should that happen....well, I just cannot even begin to imagine the consequences!  I just know that it will not be pretty!

Craig flew to NYC this morning.  Was supposed to leave at 6:20 a.m. but American Airlines called during the night to let him know that his flight was going to be delayed until 9 this morning.  We heard his cell phone ring but he didn't answer it (he never does and my thought is if someone is calling in the middle of the needs to be answered but that is just my thought)!  So...his alarm went off at 3:30 a.m. and at that point he retrieved his message about the flight so crawled back to bed.  We were able to sleep until 7 a.m.!  He said that his flight was crazy....the last hour was very rough and the plane dropped several times!  Hoping the rest of his trip goes better!  

Had breakfast with Mom and Dad this morning.  Had to catch up on their trip to McCook, Nebraska.  Oh to be a fly on that trip!  Imagine Dad on a road trip with Mom and her two sisters!!!!  I remember when I did that road trip two years ago.....the stories that I came back with and the tears from all of the laughing!  I'm glad that they had such a good visit with their oldest sister, Helen.  They said that they sang a lot of old songs and danced!  How awesome is that?!  

I need to water this evening.....lawn guy came and fertilized so will put sprinkler on back lawn this evening and do the front lawn tomorrow.  Would be nice to get a rain shower!  I also need to trim a holly bush and my trumpet vine out back this evening too.  Cardinal game isn't on till 9 o'clock so will need to stay busy so I can stay awake!  May be a good idea to take a little nap before I tackle the watering and trimming.  Yeah, definitely sounds like a plan!


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