Thursday, December 17, 2009

Not enough hours in a day!

So many things are screaming for my attention these days! The laundry, the ironing, the dust bunnies are even feeling neglected! When I was sick for 2 weeks, in addition to regular things piling up....I got behind on my Christmas decorating, baking, addressing cards.....I did get finished with my Christmas letters and got them mailed with my cards this afternoon. One thing done, a million more to do! I usually have things under better control but this year...not so much! I need to get some of my baking done tonight. Am doing little cookie/candy trays for Bud's Christmas party Monday. Also have 3 cases of champagne bottles to bag and decorate before Monday also. Wonder if I can put these dust bunnies to work for me?! We are celebrating Christmas with Sonny Bono and Mrs. Sonny Bono this weekend and we have a wine/cookie neighborhood get-together on Sunday afternoon. I am really looking forward to seeing the Bonos has been a long time!!!!! And am also looking forward to the neighborhood get-together....we don't know very many of our neighbors so will be nice to meet some that we don't know. Maureen and her husband are hosting the party with cookies and wine.....that will be fun. Was thinking I could do some baking after the party but depends on how much wine I have! haha Hey, Christmas is all about spending time with family and friends so I will just do what I can and just not worry about the rest! It will all fall into place. Bud says if I didn't walk every morning with my parents and then go to breakfast with them...I would have more hours in my day. Yeah, he is really right BUT I really enjoy that time with Mom and Dad and wouldn't trade the time we spend together for anything. The laundry and dust bunnies will always be there and even when you get it all under control....they are baaack but life is precious and you are only promised today. I am so happy to have them living close by now and I want to spend time with them when I can.....that is something that I will NEVER regret. I have family that are spending their first Christmas without a loved one and I can only imagine how hard this is. I wish that there were words that I could say to give them comfort but I know that words are not enough. I can only hold them in my thoughts and prayers and pray that God will give their hearts the comfort that only He can do.

We are counting down the days now till Chloe Ann's birth! I have the jeep's oil changed and tires rotated so I will be ready to hit the road the minute those contractions start! I have been thinking about how much fun next year's holidays will be with a little one to share with. There is nothing quite like experiencing things through the eyes of a makes it all new and exciting again.

Here is a picture of our front door this year. I didn't do anything different this year. Except maybe pray that the lights would work!

Well, my cookies and candy aren't fixing themselves! I am having trouble keeping Little Buddy and Bud out of the cookies that I've already baked though! I clean up my kitchen while I do a little baking and throw in some laundry while I'm at it.

Merry Christmas!


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