Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Doing the happy dance!

I am so excited!!!! I will be heading to Maumelle first thing in the morning to see Chloe!!!! Yippie!!!!! I need my Chloe fix!!!! I talked to Sonny Bono this morning....he was asking if I was still planning on coming down. Most definitely BUT I also wanted to make sure that if I come down....I will be able to help them more than just being in their way! I know that they have had so much company since Chloe's birth....I just wanted to make sure that this is something that "THEY" wanted more than something that "I" wanted. : )

Another reason for being excited......we have sunshine this morning!!!! It is still bitterly cold but with the sun shining.....doesn't look as cold! I am so ready for Spring and doing yard work again! I think because my mom never let me play in the dirt or get dirty as a little girl....I ♥ my dirt now!!!! It is just so gratifying to mow the lawn, get the weed eater out, edge the driveway and sidewalks and then it looks good for about a week. Housework just doesn't have that same length of gratifying time. It seems like I get the whole house clean and turn around and it needs to be done again! Same with laundry and ironing! A woman's work is NEVER done!

I guess I need to tackle this:
So that I can be doing this tomorrow morning:

My yellow jeep and I will be heading down to Maumelle first thing in the morning! If you see me on the interstate, WAVE!


1 comment:

  1. Have a safe trip to go see your new cutie!! I am so ready for spring myself. Uuugh! I have cabin fever soooo bad!
